Menurut salah satu spanduk di perempatan Simpang Dago, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Telkom Speedy untuk Bandung sudah diluncurkan secara resmi pada tanggal 29—30 April kemarin di Cihampelas Walk. Lengkap dengan mendatangkan Andre Hehanusa untuk acara peluncuran ini. Kalaupun sampai diluncurkan dengan acara “gemerlap” seperti di Cihampelas Walk, mudah-mudahan koneksi Internet di negeri kita tidak datang terlalu kental dengan sudut pandang “budaya hidup yang gemerlap”, melainkan keniscayaan salah satu keperluan publik.
Jika dilihat di situs Web Speedy, pada peluncuran kali ini hanya disebutkan untuk Bandung, belum ada keterangan provinsi Jawa Barat.
Dari hampir semua diskusi tentang koneksi Internet, kata kunci yang disebut berkali-kali adalah: ketersediaan layanan dan keterjangkauan oleh isi kantong masyarakat. Jadi, jika koneksi Internet memang dapat tersedia dengan mudah dan murah (dan seharusnya bisa), mudahkan dan murahkan.
Selamat menikmati Speedy di Bandung!
moga2 sukses dan tidak seperti yg terjadi di Divre II Jakarta, yg bikin meriang para pengusaha warnet karena kualitas akses pd siang hari yg jauh dari “layak pakai” dan hanya cocok untuk layanan personal. demikian halnya dari sisi harga yg masih terlalu mahal bagi ukuran kantong manusia seperti saya.
beda ga om tarifnya ?
Belum tahu. Saya tidak ikut acara “jumpa Andre Hehanusa” tersebut. ;)
Make WP yaa ;)
Jauhari, saya tetap menggunakan Movable Type untuk alat bantu blog ini, hanya templat saya impor dari templat yang disediakan untuk WordPress. :)
There are several wireless broadband companies in Denpasar who can give you internet connection. Telkom (the state phone monopoly) just recently started connecting DSL.
I am afraid the correct term for ‘broadband internet’ in Bali would be ‘oxymoron’. There wireless internet installation will cost you about the same with a cable connection in Michigan (mine is about 60 USD) but about 100 times slower (32 kbps vs 3 Mbps). Their main link to the internet many times is so overloaded that it doesn’t matter if your ‘last mile’ is fast enough (e.g. I use 64 kbps), I still have trouble getting steady data stream for VOIP application.
It sounds depressing, but you can go ahead and try your Vonage (or whatever) device. But getting 3 units running I am guessing will be a bit pushing it. I’m guessing, your best bet will be to get a VSAT terminal and connect directly to Hong Kong, or better, Hawaii (if such a connection exists).
Getting connected to Telkom ADSL is a lengthy, and frustrating process [it took me 4 months] as you have to deal with. ADSL is pretty new in Indonesia, and so you have to guess and then ask the right question to the right people or things just don’t happen.
ADSL is expensive: the bandwidth allowances included in the monthly charges are tiny (500 Mgbts is nothing when downloading say music). Using the service as it is intended leads to high monthly ISP charges, 3 or 4 times that of Singapore or Thailand for the same level of use.
On top of the rental fee and line charges, Telkom also charge an extra c.20% of the monthly bandwidth charges paid to your ISP. They don’t make this obvious in their literature!
Telkom also requires a full month’s notice (during which they will charge you for access even if the ISP service has been terminated) to close the ADSL services.
However Telkom’s ISP service grinds to a shuddering halt when more than a few people use it.
I’m sure Telkom are constantly “developing” their system. These “developments” lead to server changes which frequently throws the system offline for a few hours, and/or requires one to adjust the settings.
Technical support is poor; the staff are not well trained (in ADSL technology or customer care) and go through the same check list of possible faults for every problem, if - that is - you can get through to them.
In summary the Telkom ADSL option is a reasonable service, but it is poor value for money. I have reverted back to my ATT dial up which, even if its slower, is steady, reliable and offers better value
saya mau tanya ttg speedy lebih jelas??? karna speedy ini bisa saya jadikan referensi pada skripsi saya……
speedy..ya ADSL (internet sharing dgn banwit upstream < downstream melalui jaringan PSTN), JANGANLAH dulu berandai kenceng or up to 384Kbps !!! tapi tanyakanlah ke telkom BERAPA MINIMAL banwidth up/downstream Internasional dan IIX yg bakal di dapat sesuai harga yg dibayar misalnya 4jt/bln di Indonesia internet mahal karena content local/IIX kurang menarik untuk diakses luar negeri & cenderung masih menginduk ke luar negeri, misalnya ke AT&T, MCI, Loral Cyberstar, Hutchca, Hawaii Pasific Teleport, Newskies, Singtel dll, mereka menetapkan tarif nyambungin port router sangat mahal buat ISP yg minim content, ditambah ajian/elmu bisnis/birokrasi ala indonesia yg bikin tarif makin edan, ngerti ga ya ?