Ariya Hidayat, salah seorang pemrogram KDE, menuliskan pengalamannya melakukan instalasi Munjoy Linux, distribusi baru berbasis Debian GNU/Linux. Catatan yang dituliskan Ariya untuk pemakai SoHo,
I had a decent first impression with Munjoy’s desktop. Basically it’s just KDE 3.2.1, a little bit polished. For example, the menu is now grouped as Audio, Graphics, Internet, Office and Utilities. The new fonts are also sharp, crisp, and lovely. Not so many applications were installed, but they cover enough for SOHO uses.
Sedangkan di bagian akhir disebutkan,
As final conclusion, I can foresee a great future for Munjoy Linux or similar fashion of distributions.
In the near future, putting Linux into use for your grandmother will not surprise your colleagues anymore.