Nurcholis tentang Portal Web

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Seandainya Nurcholis belum membuktikan menulis sendiri alat bantu portal seperti yang dia yakini bahwa sekarang, “adalah era portal Web,” kita lebih bertanya-tanya lagi tentang pembandingan yang dia ajukan antara situs Web, blog, dan portal. Ketiganya — dan juga masih ada beberapa jenis lain — sama-sama menarik dan potensial dikembangkan di Indonesia, dengan keuntungan dan keterbatasan masing-masing. Tentang situs Web: apakah yang dimaksud “halaman Web statik”? Soalnya jika semata mengikuti definisi, semua situs1 yang dikerjakan dan dipasang di belantara Web adalah sebuah situs Web, apapun bentuknya.

Akan halnya blog: saya kira tidak terlalu perlu didengang-dengungkan secara berlebih, namun dari gaya yang disodorkan terlihat dan terasa berbeda. Ada beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan diversifikasi tersebut dan bagi saya pribadi agak sulit menyebut bahwa hari ini [semata-mata] zaman portal Web. Terlebih jika dilihat definisi portal Web di Webopedia dan perkembangan portal Web di Wikipedia. Kendati masih ada kemungkinan juga: ini Indonesia bung, jangan semata menuruti definisi di luar sana.

Bagaimana dengan alat bantu Endonesia sendiri? Bagi saya, apapun keterbatasannya, produk itu sudah memiliki nilai plus karena sudah terealisasi. Semangat untuk membuat alat bantu sendiri sudah sangat baik sebagai teladan. Yang ditampilkan di situs Endonesia saya anggap sebagai “gaya Nurcholis” dalam berpendapat, yang tentunya bebas disepakati atau disangkal.

Terima kasih untuk Kompas yang menampilkan sisi lain pengembang Web domestik.

1 Menurut American Heritage Dictionary di, situs (site) diartikan sebagai The place where a structure or group of structures was, is, or is to be located dan a website.

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kasian nurcholis

masih ngga bisa bedain mana blog mana portal

poor you…

bagaimanapun patut dihargai konsistensinya, lepas dari benar apa tdknya ‘cerita’ diatas

Busyet, bisa dijual ampek 200jt? mahal amir.. *cek harga di qwords.. *


Sekarang eranya new media… skarang eranya RSS, CSS-based layout, search engine friendly URL. Dan, skarang sudah tahun 2007!


Bagi saya, apapun keterbatasannya, produk itu sudah memiliki nilai plus karena sudah terealisasi. Semangat untuk membuat alat bantu sendiri sudah sangat baik sebagai teladan

Setuju dg kalimat ini. Apapun keterbatasannya, dia usahanya patut menjadi teladan. Perlu didukung dan dirangkul :D

Ikutan ah…

Definitions of portal on the Web:

  • portal site: a site that the owner positions as an entrance to other sites on the internet; “a portal typically has search engines and free email and chat rooms etc.”

  • usually used as a marketing term to described a Web site that is or is intended to be the first place people see when using the Web. Typically a “Portal site” has a catalog of web sites, a search engine, or both. A Portal site may also offer email and other service to entice people to use that site as their main “point of entry” (hence “portal”) to the Web.

  • Are basically directories, many have added features such as news, browser based email, online calendars and reminders, fax services, and chats and discussion forums.

# A Web site or service that offers a broad array of resources and services, such as email, forums, search engines, and on-line shopping malls. The first Web portals were online services, such as AOL, that provided access to the Web, but by now most of the traditional search engines have transformed themselves into Web portals to attract and keep a larger audience.

# Web sites that serve as starting points to other destinations or activities on the Web. Initially thought of as a “home base” type of Web page. Most major search engines and directories have positioned themselves as “portals”. Often portals offer free services like e-mail or search functions with the objective of building traffic so they can generate advertising revenue and sell products.

# A web in a World-Wide Web that usually offers a search engine and/or links to useful pages, news or other services.

# A Web site “gateway” that provides multiple services, which could include Web searching capability, news, free-email, discussion groups, online shopping, references and other services. A more recent trend is to use the same term for sites that offer services to customers of particular industries, such as a Web-based bank “portal,” on which customers can access their checking, savings and investment accounts.

# A web site or service that provides access to a number of sources of information and facilities, such as a directory of links to other web sites, search engines, email, online shopping, etc. (OED).

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This page contains a single entry by Ikhlasul Amal published on April 3, 2007 8:15 AM.

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